Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Whiteside Middle School Lunch Debt Solutions

On behalf of the Whiteside School District, I want to thank all the people who donated to the lunch debt solutions.  Because of your generosity, students will  not have to worry about money for breakfast or lunch.  They get to concentrate on receiving their education.  You have made a positive difference in the lives of so many young students.

I also want to thank Raven Harris for organizing this fundraiser.  Raven is an example of all that is good in our world.  She selflessly serves others and makes our world a better place.  Because of Raven's actions, students will be uplifted with one less burden to carry. 

I will follow through with Raven's request to let you know the number of students who got their lunch debt erased with this $3,208.00 donation.  I am very excited to report that to you as soon as possible.

Thanks again for being the BEST role models for our students.

In this season of gratitude, I know our students are thankful for your generosity.


Monica Laurent, Principal
Whiteside Middle School